Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Just Around the Riverbend

 The poor guy fell in the stream when he was trying to save a small child's shoe! Not a deal breaker, just a funny date I'm sure neither of us will forget for a long time!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Making a List, Checking it Twice

Do you know what you are looking for in a "future life partner"? Well, if you don't then I recommend going on a date with someone who will read you their entire list (technically an organized spreadsheet) of 36 essential qualities in a future life partner. These qualities include, but are not limited to, shared hobbies, humility, a shared life pace, and an appreciation for stand-up comedy. I apparently didn't make the cut though, because after the date he told me that he doesn't like to rush into decisions about his future life partner, but we could be friends on Facebook.