Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Them's Fightin Words

I went on a date with a guy I met online. I'm typically hesitant to do this because you never really know anything about your date until after you're there and for all you know, they could be a psycho. Luckily this guy wasn't a psycho. Not really. We ended up meeting at an IHOP for breakfast. He had to go to his Scottish dance class afterwards. Interesting, but not a deal-breaker. The date got really interesting when he told me he had been homeschooled. I have very little against being homeschooled or wanting to homeschool your children, except for the fact that I'm a public school teacher and I'm very invested in the work I do. I told him I think homeschooling is great as long as you know what you're doing and why you're doing it, which I honestly feel to be true. He proceeded to explain to me why public schools are corrupt and how they are brainwashing today's children, along with the ways in which public schools are failing in their efforts to educate children. I tried to remain calm as I explained the improvements in public education that I have seen and taken part in, along with trying to clarify some misconceptions he seems to have about public schooling. He wouldn't have it though. He felt he was right and is clearly convinced that public schools are bad. I cut that conversation short and shortly thereafter ended the date. I wonder why he hasn't called back?

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